Rev. David  Hurst

Happy New Year! Everyone! Everywhere!
            As we celebrated our Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols, I prayed that peace would come to the many people of this earth in the New Year. The themes of hope, peace, joy and love that we celebrate in the weeks of Advent are desires for a better, fuller life. With a broader view of the world and its inhabitants, we find hope in looking forward and planning solutions. We seek peace within; so that we can respond wisely and humbly to the challenges of our days. We rejoice with remembrances of the Holy Birth. We are filled with joy!
            “But now the work begins,” as Howard Thurman insisted! We are simply to love! We are asked to love “thy neighbor as thy self.” We are asked to look upon our enemies with more understanding and a willingness to see their side of things. We are asked to love without exception or reservation, so that God’s peace will come upon us and we will know that we have done our best without blinders on. We are asked to reconcile with kindness and generosity; to settle differences, to forgive and to forget. We are asked to respond to this love of God, this openness of mind and spirit with those who will never recognize Christ as their Savior. Yet the birth of God in Christ is there for everyone!                                                                                   Happy New Year!   



                               — Remember in Prayer —

A Prayer List is part of the weekly Bulletin. Please email the church ( if you would like to make additions or subtractions to keep those on the list in prayer. . . It Works!​​

All of the First Responders  who put their lives in jeopardy to care for all of us. For those working in grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, nursing homes, health care facilities, food banks… who are working in spite of the danger to themselves. Prayers for anyone who is overwhelmed by this pandemic. Prayers for those who are feeling isolated or afraid. Prayers that God give us the mindfulness to reach out by phone to those who we are not frequently in touch -those on the outer edges of our friendship and family. Prayers for all people as we look to “love our neighbor” as God has commanded.


81 Hancock Road, Williamstown, MA
Matt Alcombright, Music Director
Rev. David Hurst

January 19, 2025

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Build your life around those who believe. Be generous in the loving of others.
Find peace in giving back what God has given to you.
                                                                                                Author Unknown

PRELUDE                                                                        ANNOUNCEMENTS

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                    Deacon Reader
Leader: O God, you are with us every step of our journey.
People: Let us come into your presence this morning as disciples, followers,
who try to live each day in faith.

Leader: As we gather open our minds to witness your holiness in our worship
and all church events; involve us in your awesome mission
People: As we sing, pray, and worship together, may we realize moments of
miracle; where we realize your infinite love.

Leader: Help us to see that through unity we prosper. Through working
together, we find confidence and strength to live out our lives filled with your
hope and grace.

OPENING HYMM   "Songs of Thankfulness and Praise"              (Handout)

INVOCATION       (Based on Psalm 40)                                Deacon Reader
Leader: The God who has known us before we were born; calls us to love one
another and to worship in Spirit and in Truth.
People: God calls us to expand our horizons, to grow in wisdom beyond
ourselves and to open our hearts to others.

Leader: Happy are those who trust in the Lord, who do not turn in pride and
aloofness. Guide us so that we do not go astray.
People: Multiply your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us. O
Lord help us to hear; so that we will respond to your voice!

Leader: Give us the confidence to expand our thoughts and minds through the
love of Jesus Christ.
Unison: May all who seek you: rejoice and be glad in you: may those who
love your salvation say continually, “God is great!”

PRAYER OF CONFESSION     (In Unison)                       Deacon Reader

O Eternal God our memories are short! Open our hearts so that
we hear your encouragement and accept your grace. Help us
not to be hard of heart and reject what is really good for us. Keep us
aware; so that through our fear we do not lose sight of your holy
presence. Forgive us, for outward obedience with inner resistance. Give
us the courage to love beyond our words. Grant us the ability to be a part
of the solution. Let your Wisdom clear our way and your peace ease our
moments of insecurity. Let your love heal our troubled minds and your
joy inspire us to hope in things to come. Hear our prayers, O God!

Leader: Almighty God, who in your mercy, we are promised forgiveness. Help
us to accept your love so that we will follow your Will. Through the love and
blessing of Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
People: Halleluiah! Thanks be to God!                                   







First Lesson                          Psalm 36: 5-10                                                                 

HYMN OF REFLECTION        "Be Still My Soul"                                    #307   


Second Lesson                     John 2: 1-12                                               

SERMON               A Sign of Things to Come!                     Rev. David Hurst

CLOSING HYMN       "I Sing the Mighty Power of God"                        #57

Leader: Almighty God, you have gathered us up to be your church.

People: We thank you for all the ages. You have cared for us and have tended our flock! We are grateful for your gifts. Help us to serve you when we are asked. May we be your Light in the world!​

Bulletins for January are given in memory of our parents

By Mark and Mickey Thaisz

(October) Reflections from Mia on ASP 2024 in West Virginia:
“This year's ASP trip was perhaps my favorite yet. We worked with another group at a house that needed the siding redone. The homeowner, Trampas, lived alone and was quite a character. Each day, we would measure and cut siding and then nail it on the house. Measure twice, cut once! After we finished the siding, we also dug a ditch around the house so that when a rain storm came, the house wouldn't flood. On the last day just when we thought we were finished, four truck loads, or about a couple tons, of gravel arrived. We finished and the outcome was worth all our hard work. Our crew was very optimistic and hardworking! I can't wait for next year. We are all very thankful for your support, as this trip would not have been possible without it.”Type your paragraph here.

​​Archived News of Note:

Youth news: Our third ASP trip has come and gone! We spent the week completing a siding and drainage project in eastern West Virginia. Unlike previous years, we were there for ASP's last week of the summer, meaning we got to finish the job and see the final product. Other groups had already stripped and insulated the house and partially installed J-channel around windows and fixtures, leaving us to finish the J-channel and side the house. We worked hard and completed these tasks early, giving us time to improve the drainage around the house and spread 4 tons of gravel!
We served a man named Trampus living in a small place he recently bought from family members for just $16k. He worked most of the day at a nearby sawmill, hitching rides from coworkers because his own truck had been totaled. Near the end of our week, he got hit by a log at work and broke his wrist, knocking him out of work for the immediate future. It was unclear whether he'd be able to claim worker's compensation. We were fortunate to be able to give him something to smile about when he returned home that day.
There's a lot to adjust to during an ASP week, including the poor sleeping conditions, meeting the other volunteers staying at our center, finding a new routine, and more. It's easy to imagine how all this could detract from the work, but everyone in our group stayed focused throughout the week. From the moment we set foot on site and divided up to conquer the project efficiently, to the final evening when we took over sweeping the center from the ASP staff, it was incredible to see the intentionality our group brought.
When I reflect on this group, Timothy's description of the faithful comes to mind: "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." (2 Tim 1:7) This group had the power to help others, and used it. They had the love born of deep friendship and of compassion for those who suffer, and they acted on it. And when faced with a week challenging both physically and mentally, they showed discipline far beyond their years. As always, it was a privilege to spend this time working alongside them. I look forward to continuing this mission for years to come!   Tom Kirby
  your paragraph here.

Music Director /Organist

Matt Alcombright

​  ​​​​

January Calendar

Jan 1st (Wed)   New Years Day

Jan 5th               In-house Morning Worship 9am

Coffee Hour following Worship

                                Take & Eat

Jan 9th(Thu)   Deacons Meeting 3:30

Jan 12th              In-house Morning Worship 9am

                                Church Council following Worship

                                Coffee Hour following Worship

Jan 16th(Thu)   Trustees Meeting 4:15pm 

​Jan 19th            In-house Morning Worship 9am
                               Coffee Hour following Worship

Reports from all groups for the Annual Meeting DueTODAY

Jan 26th              In-house Morning Worship 9am
                               Coffee Hour following Worship


Upcoming Calendar

Feb 2nd                   Annual Reports Available                   
                                    Take & Eat
Feb 9th                    Annual Meeting following the Morning Worship

Offering envelopes for 2025 are available. If you don't find a box with your name on it take a blank set and indicate who you are so Jean can send statements.

From the Youth:

The youth hope that everyone at Second Congregational Church had a Merry Christmas and send their warmest wishes for the year ahead. May your year be filled with good health, abundant joy, and countless blessings. As we reflect on the love and togetherness of the holiday season, we look forward to the opportunities of the coming year to grow in faith, support one another, and continue to make a positive difference in our community. Thank you for your ongoing love, encouragement, and the spirit of fellowship that you share with us all.

Upcoming Take & Eat:
Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Nov. 3, Dec. 1

The Trustees have reviewed the Church Usage Guidelines and have passed it on to the Deacons for their review having made no adjustments. A mason has been hired to make repairs to the foundation of the church at the corner of the Sunday School room below the storage closet and the "dam" around the parsonage oil tank. Jean has prepared the Offering Envelopes to be used for 2025. They are available at the rear of the church. The Trustees would like to thank Jean and Missy for their support to us as they maintain the financial records of the church and provide reports to all. We would like to thank you for your support of the Church Budget.
The Dorcas had a great time at our Christmas luncheon.  It was at Water Street Grill on December 9th.  17 were in attendance.. 
Thanks to Linda Seney for doing the Cookie Mission on December 12th at 3:00. 
The ladies packed 14 bags of goodies to give out... 

Mission Committee Report: We received Thank You letters from Soldier On, Berkshire Food Project(No. Adams) and UCC for the donations towards the Hurricane 2024 Fund. (Helene and Milton). These were all on our Mission List except the Hurricane Fund
which was unexpected and we voted to donate the Pastor's Discretionary fund for 2024 since he did not use the money.
 We delivered the Christmas Food Pantry to Carole DeMayo on December 15th.  She was most appreciative of the wonderful
items and gifts we brought. This included 2 large hams from the Dorcas Society and 2 ($25.00) Gift Cards for Stop and Shop.  She is so grateful for our church's donations. "We always seem to give the most" she said on our delivery. Thank you Clare Morrison and Rita Gardner for helping me unload the gifts and food at the pantry.  Our Mission Committee is awesome, if I say so myself. 
 We thank all our members and friends who generously donate to our projects and Missions throughout the year. We are so blessed.
  Wishing everyone a Happy New Year in 2025. Sincerely, Caroline Martel, Chairman, Virginia Nicklein , John Quimby, Rita Gardner 

Memorial Bulletin Sign-up The sheet for signing up to purchase a month of Memorial Bulletins for 2024 is now posted in the SS Room. Please fill in the information for the month that you select.

The cost is $30/month. 

For those that were not able to be at the final service or need additional time to consider their 2023 Giving, you may send in your gifts and pledges to:
Jean Richer 124 S. Hemlock Brook, Williamstown, MA 01267.


Last months news:​
2024 Take and Eat dates: 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 5/5, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/29, 10/6, 11/3, 12/1

Town Scholarship Information:  Attached is the application form for the Williamstown Municipal Scholarship is available on the town website or a copy can be picked up in the town treasurer's office.  These scholarships are available only to town residents who are at least one year post high school by the fall of 2025 or non-traditional students going back to school.  The deadline to apply is 1/6/2025 at 4:30pm.
Thank you. Williamstown Municipal Scholarship Committee: Justine Beringer, Linda Brown, Kris Kirby   (See Attachment)

My experiences with Jews and Muslims remind me time after time that no moral imperative is more relevant and redemptive for our world, with all its exclusivity, isolation, divisiveness and lethal hostility, than the Gospel imperative of reconciling love, to love without reservation and without exception; even and especially to love those we call enemies or sometimes "deplorables." The Gospel of love is not the exclusive or sectarian birthright of a few. It is a promise to all.                    
                           Rev. Peter Miano


​WilliNet channel 1303 Sunday Worship 9am and 4pm. Rerun Wed at 10am and Friday at 7pm 

This Week's Internet site is: 

​**Please scroll down to see the Weekly Bulletin below**

Words from the Organ Bench: On December 8, 2024 the North County Chorale filled the sanctuary of the First Congregational Church in North Adams for the 43rd Annual North County Christmas Celebration.  The All-Saints Bell Choir, Chorale and instrumentalists led close to 300 people in setting the stage for our most recent celebration of Christ's Birth.  The free-will offering of this event donated close to $2000 to The Berkshire Food Project.  One of the great pieces sung during this event was the 3rd movement of Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols, "There Is No Rose", written during the time of WWII.  This third movement reminds of Jesus as "The Rose"...a simple and tender flower that brings with Him the strength to dispel sadness and calls us to follow.  It admires the beauty of the Birth of Christ.  My hope and prayer is that this New Year of 2025 may find us seeing Christ in the simplest forms of life (ex. a flower) as well as the great.  The text of this movement is below for our own meditation and prayer.  Happy New Year 2025!

There is no rose of such vertu
As is the rose that bare Jesu.
Alleluia, Alleluia,
For in this rose conteinèd was
Heaven and earth in litel space,
Res miranda, Res miranda.

By that rose we may well see
There be one God in persons three,
Pares forma, pares forma.
The aungels sungen the shepherds to:
Gloria in excelsis, gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gaudeamus, gaudeamus.

Leave we all this werldly mirth,
and follow we this joyful birth.
Transeamus, Transeamus, Transeamus.
Alleluia, Res miranda, Pares forma, Gaudeamus,


“Sometimes I go about pitying myself. And all the while I am being carried
across the sky by beautiful clouds.”                              Ojibway Indian saying

Arab proverb; “To have a good neighbor you must be one.”


Welcome to  

The Second Congregational Church

81 Hancock Road • Williamstown, MA 01267 • (413) 458-3467