81 Hancock Road, Williamstown, MA
Matt Alcombright, Music Director
Rev. David F. Hurst

July 21, 2024

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

“Surely God is my salvation: I trust in him and am not afraid.
The Lord is my strength and my song: he has become my salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2

PRELUDE                                                                        ANNOUNCEMENTS

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                         Deacon Reader
Leader: Let us enter God's gates with gratitude and God's place with praise.
People: O Lord, we rejoice as we share your house with others. Let us
celebrate God’s love and glorify another day of your wonderful and
beautiful creation.

Leader: Let us worship the Lord with gladness. Let us give over our trust to
God's holy wisdom and love.
People: Come let us leave our burdens behind and joyfully sing and worship
you, O God.

OPENING HYMM   “In Christ There Is No East or West”                #381

INVOCATION                                                                            Deacon Reader
Leader: O God of our joys and our sorrows: come into hearts that our hearts
and minds will be fed in your Wisdom and grace.
People: O God of our today’s and our tomorrows: let join in covenant
with you in all aspects of our lives.

Leader: O Lord, come to us this day so that we will feel your presence and
know that we exist and that you exist in us.
People: O Lord bring us along in life, fill us with your love, help us to see
your grace in others and give us the honor of your presence in all that we do
and say.


PRAYER OF CONFESSION                                  Rev. David F. Hurst
ALL: Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in
thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We 
have made questionable decisions based on our own wants and needs. Have mercy upon us and forgive us, O Son of God, that we will walk in your of experience and kindness.

Leader: If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just,
God will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all transgressions.

People: Halleluia! Thanks be to God







First Lesson                           Ephesians 2: 11-21                                        p. 1018

HYMN OF REFLECTION          “Let Us Break Bread Together”            #400

Second Lesson                      Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56                                    p. 873

SERMON                       We are All Fed                                  Rev. David Hurst

CLOSING HYMN       “We Your People, God, Confessing“                    #439

BENEDICTION           (In Unison)

Leader: Now let us go in peace! The peace that passes all our human
People: May we live with compassion for others! May we always respond on
the side of love and tolerance, as shown to us so lovingly through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.

Bulletins for July are given by Anna Lamb Tiffany
In memory of Carl and Marion Lamb​​

Welcome to  

The Second Congregational Church

81 Hancock Road • Williamstown, MA 01267 • (413) 458-3467

 Greetings and Salutations!
            It had really been a hot, hot June! Even though the weather steamed, June has hastened by! We are halfway through 2024! As we come into summer, we are reminded that for us a Christians; this is a time of renewal and abundance. Summer unfolds the leaves on the trees, so we can open our hearts to receive God’s blessings. As tomato plants grow strong and we harvest the first quarts of raspberries, let us be filled with gratitude for our joys in life. Help us to remember our sense of freedom and responsibility for our land and our faith. Grant in us, dear Lord, the ability to forgive, to clear the decks of the old and prepare the way for the future. Help us to see beyond ourselves and provide for the next generations. Grant in us a sense of peace and love that we will turn outward into our communities and this ever-changing world.
            When we look upon our church, and upon how we worship, help us to be mindful of how we are to bring our church into the future. May we always invite others to our midst. May we always be kind and friendly to those who enter our doors. Help us to worship the Lord with gusto, friendship and joy!
[don’t forget July 14th is our service at Field Farm 9am]

                                             Happy Summer everyone!

                                             May God Bless, David


Rev. David  Hurst

​  ​​​​


“Sometimes I go about pitying myself. And all the while I am being carried
across the sky by beautiful clouds.”                              Ojibway Indian saying

Arab proverb; “To have a good neighbor you must be one.”

Music Director /Organist

Matt Alcombright

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree. As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will surely not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

                                                     Mark 13: 28-31

Words from the Organ Bench--The beginning of the summer greets us with the sounds of “America.” With Memorial Day, Juneteenth, July 4th and Labor Day as markers we sing to the Lord in gratitude for the country we live in. The songs of our nation do not only celebrate our freedoms past and present but also challenge our country to trust more in God, foster peace and kindness and to pray for our brothers and sisters in other lands. With many of the uncertainties and frustrations in our own country at the moment we confidently raise our voices in these hymns to celebrate what was, what is and what can be should we choose to offer it into the hands of God with voices of compassion and understanding. Often times our hymns, not just patriotic, have this theme of past present and future. The gift of song invigorates this triune reality of life. We sing each and every week “as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.” Amen!!       


WilliNet Channel 1303 Sunday Worship 9am and 4pm. Rerun Wed at 10am and Friday at 7pm.

This Week's Internet site is: 

​**Please scroll down to see the Weekly Bulletin below**

                               — Remember in Prayer —

A Prayer List is part of the weekly Bulletin. Please email the church (wmst2ndcongo@outlook.com) if you would like to make additions or subtractions to keep those on the list in prayer. . . It Works!​​

All of the First Responders  who put their lives in jeopardy to care for all of us. For those working in grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, nursing homes, health care facilities, food banks… who are working in spite of the danger to themselves. Prayers for anyone who is overwhelmed by this pandemic. Prayers for those who are feeling isolated or afraid. Prayers that God give us the mindfulness to reach out by phone to those who we are not frequently in touch -those on the outer edges of our friendship and family. Prayers for all people as we look to “love our neighbor” as God has commanded.


July Calendar

July 4th (Th)      Independence Day     

July 9th               In-house Morning Worship 9am

​                                Coffee Hour following Worship

                                Take & Eat 

        THANK YOU!!  Tom Kirby and crew
July 11th (Th)  Deacon's Meeting 3:30 pm

July 13th (Sa)  Tag Sale Part 1 10am-2pm

July 14th          Outdoor Morning Worship 9am at
                              Field Farm, Oblong Rd. (Bring a chair)
                              Church Council Meeting following the

                              Outdoor Worship

July 18th (Th) Trustees Meeting 4:15 
July 13th (Sa)  Tag Sale Part 2 10am-2pm
July 21st          ASA Group leaves for WVA (before sunrise)

                             In-house Morning Worship 9am

                             Coffee Hour following Worship

July 27th (Sa)  ASA Group leaving WVA (returning home)        July 28th          In-house Morning Worship 9am                                                          Coffee Hour following Worship

Tag Sale
Attention one and all. The church tag sale is coming up. Saturday July 13th and July 20th. Hours will be 10-2. Items should be clean and any small appliances should be in working order. We will not accept electronics, footwear, or clothing. We are hoping to include a bake sale. 
Any items donated can be left on the tables in the social hall. If help is needed to get your items, call Mickey Thaisz 458-4947 and arrangements will be made to transport them.
Let’s make this a big success……

Sunday July 14th            Outdoor Morning Worship 9am at

                                            Field Farm, Oblong Rd. (Bring a chair)
                                            Church Council Meeting following the

                                            Outdoor Worship
Saturday July 20th        Tag Sale Part 2, 10am-2pm

The Dorcas would like to thank everyone who helped in many ways to make our Strawberry Take-0ut so successful.  It was a great day and went very smoothly. The berries were outstanding this year.  Just beautiful~~~
We will meet in July after Church to discuss our August picnic.
Be thinking of a good day!!! 

Youth update-- ASP month is here! We'll be leaving early on Sunday the 21st to begin our week of service. Our first evening, there will be a short meeting for leaders of all the groups staying at our center, and then we'll head to our worksite for a preliminary overview of the week's plan. Monday morning, we get to work for our first day, performing critical home repair for someone in the area! After work, the ASP staff will organize an "Evening Gathering" for all the volunteers, perhaps cultural education or sharing of stories. Between work, meals, and gatherings, we'll have some free time to hang out, explore the area, and get to know the other volunteers. By the end of the week, we'll all be thoroughly worn out! On Saturday the 27th, we'll make the long trek back to Williamstown. For anyone wondering since last month, we haven't found a good van to take, but think we can all fit into a large SUV with extra storage on top, so that's our current plan! -Thomas    

The Trustees had a visit from Jim Stewart, from the agency that has the UCC Insurance for our church this past week. He took many photos of the church building inside and out and outside photos of the parsonage which hasn't been done in a while. He appeared to be pleased that we have been maintaining the building and the furnaces. He will provide a detailed report in the coming month. He was asked about the furnace inspection we had expected in early June. He said that he has kept the inspector quite busy and based on what he saw today the priority for that visit has been downgraded and we should not expect it anytime soon. We have asked the painter when we might expect him to start work on the parsonage and said he has us penciled in for early August. 90 degrees plus days and rain are not historically friends to a painter. Mark Thaisz's remarks following worship a few weeks ago seemed to help everyone understand that with MADOT having an office in the Sunday School room is not a big issue when you consider that we are not using the space and the rent coming in will allow the church to not have to touch the endowment account while the construction at the roundabout continues. That rent makes up for the shortfall in income towards our expenses in the budget. As Missy mentioned Sunday, she was able to pay all the Mission Budgeted items for 2024 already because Morais Construction paid the church a full year rent in advance rather than month to month. The pine tree planted at the church's anniversary was inspected and treated five to seven years ago by an arborist has now been determined to be a threat to the building as it continues to fail. The Trustees will have this tree removed in August to eliminate the chance of damage to the building.  The weeds were removed between the handicap ramp and the shrubs and the shrubs there and in front of the church and at the parsonage were trimmed. The grass grows and Paul mows.

Mission Committee Report...We will continue to provide nonperishable food for the Williamstown Food Pantry on the First of the Month.  Items can also be dropped off during the week if you forget to bring them to church. Let one of the Mission Committee members know if you need us to take them.


The monthly nonperishable items are still welcome on Sundays. Items may be placed in the wagon or baskets in the back of the church pews for our committee to bring to the pantry every month.  If you are able, it is always nice to drop items off when you shop for your family and leave them at the pantry on Southworth Street. All our Missions are important but we especially like providing for our local families and helping our neighbors with this food delivery.  Thank you all for being so generous and caring. 

Pastor David delivered the Blankets I purchased to Soldier On this week..
The Mission Committee reports $250.00 collecting for the May Blanket Fund this year. Thanking all of our members and friends for contributing to this wonderful service.           

Memorial Bulletin Sign-up The sheet for signing up to purchase a month of Memorial Bulletins for 2024 is now posted in the SS Room. Please fill in the information for the month that you select.

The cost is $30/month. 

Last months news:
2024 Take and Eat dates: 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 5/5, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/29, 10/6, 11/3, 12/1

For those that were not able to be at the final service or need additional time to consider their 2023 Giving, you may send in your gifts and pledges to:
Jean Richer 124 S. Hemlock Brook, Williamstown, MA 01267.
